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Schedule Navigation and Display

A demonstration of the Schedule Navigation and Display controls.

Schedule Navigation and Display ( transcript )

Navigating the ShiftApp schedule display is very easy.

The “Next Week” and “Previous Week” buttons can be used to navigate forward and backwards in time.

The "Today" button will bring you back to the schedule starting from today.

The “Show More Calendar” button adds additional rows to the current page being displayed.

A pop-up drop-down menu of week dates can be found near the "Previous" and "Next" buttons.

These date menus can be used to quickly jump to any other week in the year.

At the top of the schedule the display mode can be changed between "Week" display mode and "Month" display mode.

In month display mode each week is displayed on a row. The "Next Month" and "Previous Month" and "This Month" and "Show More Calendar" and "Pop-Up Menu" buttons can be used for navigation.

The ShiftApp schedule has some other useful display controls. Click the "View Options" button just above the schedule to reveal a pop-up drop-down menu.

The "Empty Shifts Only" option places a filter on the schedule view so that only "Empty" shifts are displayed.

The schedule title is updated because of the active filter.

Click the "Clear Filter" button, or toggle the "Empty Shifts Only" menu option to turn off the filterred view.

Managers will see an extra option in the "View Options" menu, the "Employee View" option can be used to switch the view of the schedule to be as if the schedule manager were a regular employee. Depending on the various Workforce Settings, regular employees may see less information on the schedule than a manager would. Using "Employee View" is one way to test that these settings are working as expected.

Managers can switch back to their normal "Manager View" by untoggling the "Employee View" option in the "View Options" menu.

The schedule normally shows a mixture of "shifts", "sick leave", and "holidays". This can be changed by changing the "Show Everything" setting on the View Options menu.

The schedule can be set to "Show Holidays Only".

Or, the schedule can be set to "Show Shifts Only".

Or, the schedule can be set to "Show Sick Leave Only".

For example, when the "Sick Leave Only" option is chosen, only sick leave is displayed on the schedule.

The schedule title changes to match the chosen option.

To change the schedule back to displaying everything, change the option again in the "View Options" menu.

The “Display Mode" view option turns on display mode. In display mode the header and the footer regions and the availability rows are all hidden.

Display Mode is useful for projecting a live copy of the schedule onto a display screen or monitor.

To exit from "Display Mode" you can toggle the option off again in the "View Options" menu.

Shifts that have a "Title" or "Info" normally have this information displayed on lines underneath the shift times on the schedule view.

The "Compact Info" view options changes the schedule view so that shift titles and info are placed on a single line with the shift times.

Now the Shift Information is displayed more compactly. Which can really help save valuable screen real estate on a busy schedule.

The full shift title and info information can still be viewed in the shift details box that appears when the mouse pointer is hovered over each shift.

"Compact Info" can be turned off by clicking the option in the "View Options" menu.

A busy call center, or retail shop, or restaurant, or similar business, might need to make sure they have a sufficient coverage of staff at certain times of the day.

The "Coverage Counts" view option can help with this.

Each hour block on the schedule now also displays the number of employees scheduled to work at the beginning of that hour.

"Coverage Counts" can be turned off by again clicking the option in the "View Options" menu.

thank you

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