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Frequently Asked Questions:

Delete your ShiftApp User Account

Deleting your ShiftApp User account is quick and easy.

Please be aware that any Workforces that you "own", along with all of the workforce schedules, employees, shifts, and memos, will also be deleted.

Deleting your ShiftApp User Account is permanent and there is no "undo".

If you've already deleted your account and wish to use ShiftApp again, then you'll need a new account. Please signup again (or ask to be invited again by your manager).

Delete your User Account using the ShiftApp.com website

To delete your account from the ShiftApp.com website, follow these instructions:

  1. Login to your account
  2. From the Home page, click the edit Profile button
  3. Scroll down, and click the red color Delete Your Account button. 
  4. Read the notification and click Confirm
  5. Done

Delete your User Account using the ShiftApp App on mobile

To delete your user account using the ShiftApp app on mobile, please follow these instructions:

  1. Login to the App
  2. From the Home screen, tap the Menu button
  3. Tap Profile
  4. Scroll down, and tap the red color Delete Account button.
  5. Read the notification and click Confirm
  6. Done